Magicclippy’s Romanized Doric temple here is a great example of fine classical proportions and ancient polychromy (ie: the use of many colors).
Through the use of the thinnest vertical slabs, the columns feature an often overlooked, but important aspect of classical pillars: entasis, which is the subtle thickening of the column towards the base.
Resting above the pillars is the entablature, which can be divided by the upper frieze and bottom architrave. On first look the architrave is plain, but careful detail (ie: the guttae of the Doric order) has been constructed with “cornice” and “architrave” blocks with thin vertical slabs layered on the sides. The frieze of the Doric order alternates between metopes and triglyphs. The triglyphs are rendered by using the “architrave” block with a “blue column vertical slab” in front, while the metopes use a “simple polychrome architrave” with a “brass button” in front.
At the very top lies the pediment. Separating the pediment and the entablature are “Marble Column with Marble Base” blocks. The pediment’s roof line has been carefully constructed with CR’s block shapes to not be too steep. The pediment’s inner area is painted red and decorated by an assortment of classical block models to simulate the statues that would rest there in real life.
The walls flanking the door rightfully features colorful walls painted in one of the Roman styles. The door itself, guarding the inner chamber (cella), uses the new copper blocks added in 1.17.