WorldPainter - Using Conquest Reforged’s Layers (v1.15.2+)

WorldPainter is a powerful tool for creating custom terrains. With it, we can even make smooth snowy landscapes using Vanilla Minecraft’s snow layers. Conquest Reforged adds a plethora of layer blocks that emulate these snow layers and are perfect for terrains, but WorldPainter doesn’t support using these straight out of the box.

Thankfully, with a bit of tweaking and a few steps, we can use Conquest Reforged layers in our terrains:

1. Find the file called worldpainter.vmoptions located wherever you installed WorldPainter. For me, this was at C:\Program Files\WorldPainter. You’ll want to open this file.

2. Copy and paste this line into worldpainter.vmoptions: -Dorg.pepsoft.worldpainter.smoothGroundCover=true

3. Launch WorldPainter. Hit File -> New World (ctrl+n) and select [Beta] Minecraft 1.15 for the map format. Make sure Extended block IDs is enabled as well. If you have an existing world, you can hit

4. Make a custom ground cover layer. This will be what adds the Conquest Reforged layers.

5. Create a new custom material. For this example, we’ll use Conquest Reforged’s grass layer. Hit Custom and enter in conquest for the first box and grass_block_layer for the second. This is the block id. For other layers you can find the id by opening Minecraft’s debug screen (hit f3 while in-game) and hovering other the block in question. Next, add a property, call it layers, and select Integer (default is boolean). Change the default number from 0 to 8 (this is the final layer shape).

6. Finish making your custom material and return to the custom ground layer window. Check off smooth. Then, press OK.

7. You’re ready to start painting!

Note: While it’s possible to add plants on top of these layers by using another smooth ground cover layer and setting the thickness to 2 (or more if you want them to be taller), my tests found that this ends up exporting odd banding patterns. As such, I won’t be going into detail regarding plants here. If anyone finds a reliable and non-glitchy way to add plants on top of layers painted through this method, let us know!

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