Rounding the Corner

Hello everyone,
It’s been a long year but despite all the setbacks and craziness going on in the world we are still chugging along with development of Conquest Reforged 1.15.2.
Since our last developer update, Optifine became 1.15.2 compatible which has allowed us to work on testing/improving CTM based textures as well as discovering/fixing various bugs that came with more recent iterations of the vanilla rendering system (of which there are still many). We are also starting to work on new leaf models to replace the functionality from the Better Foliage mod as it appears to have been discontinued (or at the very least not updated for a long time). The new models should provide better performance and aesthetics which will make CR trees even better than they were before.
We still have more to do to provide the best quality and bug free experience on release but we think we are getting closer everyday and hope we’ll get there soon. Thank you all for your support and sticking with us.
Before we sign off here’s our general roadmap for the open Beta:
-branch model overhaul
-last minute block additions and touch ups
-ensuring full compatibility with WorldEdit and WorldPainter
-QA testing for models and textures (including a full block audit)
-general bug fixes
Launcher Notice:
Due to the upcoming Microsoft migration changes to Java accounts, we will be discontinuing the CR Launcher since it does not support the new authentication process with Microsoft. If you are currently using the CR launcher it will continue to work (unless you have recently purchased a Minecraft account) until you are forced to migrate at which point you will have to either use our modpack on CurseForge or manually install the mod using the vanilla MC launcher.
2020 Changelog:
-Cross Chandelier block
-Dechoppy's Pitchfork model
-Gwent Board block
-Torch with Grille block
-New painted textures to replace old "Roman" textures
*Red Stucco with Gold Line
*Red Wall and Fancy Black Cornice
*Red Wall and Black Cornice
*Orange Stucco with Red Diamond
*White Plaster with Red Lines
*Simple Black Socle
*Etruscan Magenta and Orange Dado
*Etruscan White and Yellow Dado
*First Style Polychrome Isodomic Courses
-Marble Cornice Model, Corner, and Quarter
-Limestone Cornice Model, Corner, and Quarter
-Red Asian Window
-Last of the old Roman stucco designs have been redone and reimplemented
-Etruscan Blue Meander Pattern
-Fourth Style White Upper Module 1
-Fourth Style White Upper Module 2
-Red Tooth Pattern on White Plaster
-White Meander on Red Stucco
-Red Yellow and Blue Checker Pattern
-wild parsley
-wild basil
-sea lavender
-sea arrowgrass
-mediterranean wild tulip
-kentucky bluegrass
-Iron Artillery Block (old conquest texture) added with variants
-Brown bottle, Soda Bottle, and Small Bottle added
-Some blocks use PartialCubeCutout now rather than CubeCutout, getting rid of lighting bugs and improper wall/fence connections
-Updated paintings0.png
-Various paintings re added into creative tabs
-cross beams
-diagonal beam 1
-diagonal beam 2
-diagonal beam 3
-fancy beam supports
-Caribbean Royal Palm Leaves (model WIP, mechanics incomplete)
-Vertical Slab Corner added for Roof Tile blocks
-Orange Painted Frieze Slab and Stair
-Blue Marble Frieze Slab and Stair
-Steel Beams
-Red Painted Steel Beams
-Worn Red Painted Steel Beams
-Chinese Palace Lantern
-Egyptian Vase
-Red Egyptian Vase
-Metal Scaffolding
-Wood Scaffolding
-blue table stool
-ceramic jug
-commercial amphora
-egyptian flower pot
-large clay pot
-moroccan table stool
-pendulum clock
-white egyptian vase
-wooden tankards
-metal tankards
-fancy blue marble design
-large red painted tile
-brown sandstone comb pattern
-barbed wire
-yellow travertine pillar
-quick search ui
-diagonal wooden beams
-Vertical Slabs, quarters, corners have extra thin variants. Some blocks don't get this treatment, as they require many custom models, ie: capitals, plinths, etc
-Black, gray, white, blue, green, red, tan, yellow shipping container
-metal plating
-rusted metal plating
-black painted metal plating
-rusted black painted metal plating
-blue painted metal plating
-rusted blue painted metal plating
-gray painted metal plating
-rusted gray painted metal plating
-light gray painted metal plating
-rusted light gray painted metal plating
-red painted metal plating
-rusted red painted metal plating
-white painted metal plating
-rusted white painted metal plating
-cross hatched metal plating
-rusted cross hatched metal plating
-rusted red painted metal plating
-white painted metal plating
-rusted white painted metal plating
-cross hatched metal plating
-rusted cross hatched metal plating
-steel grating
-corrugated metal
-damaged corrugated metal
-rusted corrugated metal
-caution stripe block
-damaged concrete block
-fancy red bed
-horizontally bundled logs
-glass slabs and stairs
-oak and ash plank wooden crates (old 1.12 crates)
-ash plank cross and diagonal tudor frames
-white painted corbel
-tarred birch, oak, spruce, and dark-oak beams (replacements for old 1.12 beams)
-added back old two meter/half arches with half/vertical-slab variants
-leather boots
-carpenters chest
-dark blue roman mosaic
-blue roman mosaic
-added painting9 back
-added hanging clownfish, sardines, and sockeye salmon back
-added missing 1.12 potato/bread/etc sacks
-mossy thatch and thatch tracery, new thatch colors
-directional farmland added back
-first style red stucco panel
-old iron block fence and fence gate added back
-invisible pane and stair block for conversion purposes
-more vertical roman orange clay brick variants
-clean elven pillar re added
-door and window frame + post and lintel models for all beam textures + toggleable variants (models for painted and stone textures planned)
-facade brick arches
-some additional thatch blocks
-ore overlay textures
-updated broom model + added broom on the ground toggle variant
-lime mortar clay brick arches and ctm
-acacia wood shutters
-large white painted shutters
-overgrown white painted wood trellis
-large acacia wood shutters
-large birch wood shutters
-large oak wood shutters
-split acacia wood shutters
-limestone dwarven pillar
-horizontally carved birch + spruce wall/pillar
-cabinet model that can be opened
-clothes hanger corner
-3 different golden and iron candelabra
-can turn light blocks on with flint & steel
-rustic fence gate + rustic cross fence gate
-Dead pine needles
-Dead deciduous branches
-Red Oriental Carpet
-Brown Oriental Carpet
-Sandstone gothic window
-Tan sandstone gothic window
-Light Limestone Gothic Window
-Branch models (*EXPERIMENTAL WIP* only for oak log texture right now)
-open/closed gwent board now toggleable
-Vanilla Conquest beds turned into new Conquest blocks for better rendering
-Palm leaf models now more like caribbean royal palm and reduced element count
-Plates, Jugs, and Drinking Glasses now place the final bite or "empty" state by default. Players can interact with the block while holding a food item to reduce the bite state or "add" food and interact with the block while holding nothing to eat
-merged yellow plaster with circular windows windows blocks into CTM
-update stone plate with water texture
-update iron hatchet model
-vanilla paintings have cut-out rendering
-Vertical Slab Corner, Corner Slab, Eighth Slab, Quarter Slab, Vertical Quarter placement mechanics improved
-horizontal beams have custom hitboxes
-Rustic Fence model improvements (has toggle for planks to line up properly in different situations)
-Sandstone Frieze Slab and Stair
-oak planks with tudor frame textures are now separate blocks rather than random textures
-plant hitboxes are a little smaller now (like grass)
-7 different cheese models for cut cheese
-toggleable variations of milk jug
-new large amphora models
-fancy support beams are now wooden fancy corbels
-clothes hanger clothes textures improved
-new oak chair model
-new spruce chair model
-new oak stool model
-new spruce stool model
-improved rounded chest model
-removed bulk of new segmental, gothic, round arches to save on resources now and in the future. Introduced arches of those three types with better textures and models. Some arches have placeholder models and will be improved over time. Models set up in a way that's more conducive to various custom arches and wooden arches.
-different arch shapes and sizes are now placed with the "B" toggle rather than automatically updating when another arch is placed nearby
-goblet and wine goblet models updated
-rounded chest model adjusted
-updated quality of thatch textures
-tweaked goblet models
-updated oak and spruce log steps
-shutter textures updated in general
-cleaned up spruce railing texture
-shutters open and close like actual shutters now
-thatch textures finalized
-dead grass and small cacti textures now separate blocks
-hourglass model updated
-scale model updated
-sandstone and limestone gothic 1m arch now extends down to block below
-noose model updated to look better with rope model
-hand candle updated
-iron hatchet texture updated
-stacked large shutters open together now
-crops have slight xz offset and vanilla crops have updated models
-broom bush texture updated
-food crate texture updated
-rustic fence updated
-updated cabbage, flax, peas, tobacco, barley textures
-Bright broad leaves are now Beech tree leaves
-Pine Needle texture and model
-Oak leaves texture and model
-Birch leaves texture and model
-Dark oak (Maple) leaves texture and model
-Spruce leaves/needles texture and model
-Ash tree leaves texture and model
-Jungle (eucalyptus) leaves texture and model
-Removed grassy overlay full blocks (buggy with minecraft rendering engine). Replaced with vanilla conquest grass overlay.
-Grassy overlay shape variants now have translucent rendering (better texture)