Community spotlight again! Let's take a look.

 written by 
February 12, 2020

Welcome to another round of the montly Community Spotlight

Here we will showcase more of your projects, servers, and anything else Conquest related with the community. You can submit projects for future publications by filling out our short submission form below.

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Without further ado let's get started on this month's list!

Avenburg by Legendary Porpoise

One hundred and thirty years before Avenburg became the trading city, there was a conflict inside the continent of Yurn, known as the War of Many, which displaced hundreds of thousands and laid waste to kingdoms far and wide. It was during this conflict that a band of brave souls escaped to the seas with hopes of finding a place free of violence, destruction and terror. They spent many nights upon the waves of unforgiving seas before they came to a small island lush with trees, wildlife and resources. The band of exhausted refugees decided to settle this piece of paradise which became known as Avenburg.

Legendary Porpoise on Twitter

Amrâth King's Castle by Moredir

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16k x 16k medieval fantasy world. Building started about 4 years ago and continues today, but with multiple breaks in between. Currently the capital and the king's castle are being built. When finished, the capital will consist of about 1000 houses (not all of them will have interior -- that would be crazy). The castle will have full interiors.

Scepter of Power by Kvikling

A goddess gifted the Scepter of Power to her followers. It's not only an object of worship, but a source of magic energy, that is studied and used throughout the whole city, from cooking without fire to powerful defensive towers.

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